Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ladybugs Fly to a New Home

Yesterday, we released our ladybugs, which we have had since the larva stage. We saw them turn into the pupa stage, then emerge as tender little ladybugs. After a week or so, they seemed stronger and ready to fly. We took them to Gail's Forest in front of the school, and watched them slowly fly off. One stubborn little ladybug stayed all night in the ladybug land, but finally flew off into the sun at the end of the next school day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sad Goodbye to Mrs. Cole

We were fortunate to welcome Mrs. Cole into our classroom for several weeks, as she finishes up her last year of teacher training at Sam Houston State University. On Friday, November 13, we wished her a sad farewell, but she promised to visit us as often as possible. The students presented her with cards, notes, and a bag of goodies to start off with when she begins teaching in Fall of 2010.

Monday, November 2, 2009

More Fall Fun Day

Here are some more of our scarecrows from Friday, October 30! Straw, straw everywhere.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Second Grade Teachers

Here is a photo of all second grade teachers (all 12 of us!) in our new Class of 2020 T-shirts.
