Monday, December 7, 2009

More Snow Pictures!

More Snow Pictures

Snow at Kaufman! Real Snow!

On Friday, December 4, 2009, just before we went to Specials in the morning, the kids noticed that it was snowing! Everyone threw on their jackets and gloves and ran outside for a few minutes. The kids were so excited and amazed. Throughout the day, we would repeat the same routine - grab the coats, and run outside. Here are a few photos of our Texas snow. It's hard to see the flakes, and it did not accumulate, but it was enough to make some second graders very happy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ladybugs Fly to a New Home

Yesterday, we released our ladybugs, which we have had since the larva stage. We saw them turn into the pupa stage, then emerge as tender little ladybugs. After a week or so, they seemed stronger and ready to fly. We took them to Gail's Forest in front of the school, and watched them slowly fly off. One stubborn little ladybug stayed all night in the ladybug land, but finally flew off into the sun at the end of the next school day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sad Goodbye to Mrs. Cole

We were fortunate to welcome Mrs. Cole into our classroom for several weeks, as she finishes up her last year of teacher training at Sam Houston State University. On Friday, November 13, we wished her a sad farewell, but she promised to visit us as often as possible. The students presented her with cards, notes, and a bag of goodies to start off with when she begins teaching in Fall of 2010.

Monday, November 2, 2009

More Fall Fun Day

Here are some more of our scarecrows from Friday, October 30! Straw, straw everywhere.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Second Grade Teachers

Here is a photo of all second grade teachers (all 12 of us!) in our new Class of 2020 T-shirts.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Fun Day

Today was Fall Fun Day and some students dressed up as scarecrows. We had a scarecrow parade through the halls of Kaufman first thing in the morning. In the afternoon, we rotated through 5 classrooms for games and a craft.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Counting Pumpkin Seeds

Each class had four pumpkins of varying sizes, and were given the job of predicting and then counting the seeds in each pumpkin. Most groups chose to count the seeds in groups of tens, although some counted by ones, twos, and fives. It was a big (messy) job! We were surprised to learn that the largest pumpkins didn't have the most seeds, and some pumpkins had over 400 seeds in them!

Class of 2020 T-shirts

We each purchased new class T-shirts to wear on special occasions such as field trip, cupstacking day, or field days, or some days "just because" we want to show our class unity. The shirts arrived on Wednesday, October 28, so we all posed for pictures in our new shirts. It was a beaufiful Fall day and it also happened to be during Red Ribbon Week, so it was also our crazy hat (or wig) day. Each class at Kaufman has a different color of the rainbow, and our classes have hunter green and red shirts!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fun at Recess!

It has rained most of this week, and we have not been able to play outside at recess. However, today was our turn on the playground equipment, and even though the rest of the playground was muddy, we were able to play outside! It was so much fun. Recess was over before we knew it (or wanted it to be over). We posed for a few crazy photos before we went inside, and back to business.

Our Johnny Appleseed Presentation

This morning, we presented a play about Johnny Appleseed to our parents. Each student did a fantastic job, in spite of just a few days to practice, and a little bit of stage fright. Then, we presented the play again to first grade classes. Our audiences were thoroughly entertained, and learned a little bit about Johnny Appleseed. It was a very exciting day, and we were so proud!
